Helping Developers to work with PDF Documents since 1999
Do you need to solve these problems?
Our Products
Solutions to help developers to display, convert and extract PDF documents
Why do companies buy software from IDRsolutions?
We like to think it is because we write really great software. We suspect it might also be because as a small, geeky group we are very passionate about what we do.
This is why some of them have been customers for decades.
Better PDF support
We are usually the first to market with technologies from JBIG2 to Heic, helping our customers to develop compelling products. And we are obsessive about making even the worst PDF files work.
Talk to our DevelopersAccess to Experts
Our Development and Support is all done in-house from our offices in the UK by our dedicated team of experts. We make it easy to contact us and our mission is to help you to succeed.
Meet our team (and their pets)Regular Updates
We work on a six-week cycle to solve customer issues, handle bad PDFs, and add regular new feature updates and enhancements. Access the latest daily builds or stick to our stable releases.
Find out how we workMembers of the PDF Association
IDRsolutions are a member of the PDF Association which was founded in 2006 as PDF/A Competence Center. PDF/A Association is a co-operation between numerous innovative and world leading companies that specialise in the PDF file format. They exist to promote, exchange and share information on PDF technology.