Online to Converter



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How to convert PDF Form to HTML5

  1. Select the PDF Form file you would like to convert
  2. Configure the conversion using the advanced options
  3. Convert your PDF Form file to HTML5
  4. View or save your newly created HTML5 file
  5. For bulk in-house conversion, try FormVu

PDF Form conversion for developers

The online converter is a POC to test PDF form-to-HTML conversion with limited file size and quantity. Our commercial product FormVu, is designed to handle high-quality bulk conversions while providing you with configuration options. It is specially designed for enterprise companies looking to scale up their document conversions and has a dedicated support team improving the product.

Create powerful workflows

PDF forms can be easily and securely integrated into a web application workflow while retaining all their interaction and functionality.

Convert PDF forms to HTML5

For developers

FormVu is strictly for developers looking to convert PDF forms to HTML. Get started with our documentation, with everything you need to know.

Conversion for developers

Trial FormVu

Companies exploring PDF form solutions in HTML can access our free trial. You can test its integration in your workflow to get a complete overview.

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FormVu works with

Command Line

PDF files provide support for interactive forms using 2 different technologies (AcroForm and XFA). Browsers are no longer able to display these files but FormVu can convert both formats into HTML5 forms making it possible to continue using PDF forms in a web Browser.

The Online PDF Form converter is a free online service to convert single PDF files into standalone HTML5 with interactive forms.

The conversion is done by the server application FormVu, running on customers cloud or physical servers. FormVu can be run from any Computer language as a simple micro-service to convert PDF Forms to HTML5. FormVu is for customers who want to convert many PDF forms automatically as part of their workflow.

FormVu includes a large number of optimisations not in the free online converter, including the ability process lots of PDF forms and much more control over the conversion process.

PDF Form Information

Name PDF Form
File Extension .pdf
MIME Type application/pdf
Category Document Format
Description PDF (Portable Document Format) forms is a document format used for transfer of forms and form data. PDF forms are available as AcroForms or as XFA (XML Forms Architecture). PDF forms are not supported in web browsers, however it is possible to convert them to HTML forms using FormVu.

HTML5 Information

Name HTML5
File Extension .html
MIME Type text/html
Category Document Format
Description HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is a document format used by web browsers. HTML can include text, images, links, and interactive content. HTML is widely supported across devices making it ideal for providing consistent desktop and mobile viewing experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does FormVu compare to other fillable PDF to HTML converters?
FormVu is able to run without making any calls outside, keeping your customer data safe. You can customize how data is submitted (e.g., as a standard HTML form, JSON, XML, or even as a PDF).
Does the online converter include support?
No, there is no support included with our online converter.
Is there a limit on the size and number of files I can convert?
Yes, there is a 50MB file size limit and you can convert 5 files per day. If you are looking to convert more documents than that please contact our sales team.
External hyperlinks do not work?
The free online converter does not support hyperlinks to prevent phishing. Hyperlinks are supported in the commercial version of BuildVu, however.
Can I use my converted file on my website?
You can use it for any legitimate commercial or personal use so long as you do not remove the watermark linking to our converter.
How long do my files stay on your server for?
Your files will be stored on our server for up to 1 hour. If you wish to use your converted document, please download and host it on your own servers.