Fast, Lightweight Java PDF Reader for Developers
Embed PDF viewer in any Java client Application
Integrate a Java PDF Viewer Into Your Code in Minutes
Find out how to download and set-up JPedal
Copy these lines of code into your Java code:
Viewer viewer = new Viewer();
viewer.executeCommand(ViewerCommands.OPENFILE, "pdfFile.pdf");
ConvertPagesToImages.writeAllPagesAsImagesToDir("inputFileOrDir", "outputDir", "bmp", 1.33f);
ExtractTextAsWordList.writeAllWordlistsToDir("inputFileOrDirectory", "outputDir", -1);
ArrayList<Float[]> resultsForPages = FindTextInRectangle.findTextOnAllPages("/path/to/file.pdf", "textToFind");
PrintPdfPages print = new PrintPdfPages("C:/pdfs/mypdf.pdf");
if (print.openPDFFile()) {
print.printAllPages("Printer Name");
final PdfUtilities utilities = new PdfUtilities("path/to/exampleFile.pdf");
try {
if (utilities.openPDFFile()) {
// Returns a String containing all metadata fields for the document
final String documentPropertiesAsXML = utilities.getDocumentPropertyFieldsInXML();
// Returns the total page count as an int
final int totalPageCount = utilities.getPageCount();
for (int i = 1; i != totalPageCount; i++) {
// Get the page dimensions for the specified page in the given units and type
final float[] pageDimensions = utilities.getPageDimensions(i, PdfUtilities.PageUnits.Pixels, PdfUtilities.PageSizeType.CropBox);
// Returns the image data as a String for the specified page
final String xImageDataForPage = utilities.getXImageDataForPage(i);
catch (final PdfException e) {
WritableAnnotation[] annotations = new WritableAnnotation[2];
annotations[0] = new SquareAnnotation(1, 10, 10, 100, 100);
annotations[1] = new CircleAnnotation(2, 10, 10, 100, 100);
AnnotationWriter.writeAnnotations(inputFile, outputFile, annotation);
ExtractClippedImages.writeAllClippedImagesToDir("inputFileOrDirectory", "outputDir", "outputImageFormat", new String[] {"imageHeightAsFloat", "subDirectoryForHeight"});
More information about the PDF viewer Java APIMore information about the PDF to Image Java APIMore information about the PDF text extraction Java APIMore information about the PDF text search Java APIMore information about the PDF printing Java APIMore information about the PDF metadata Java APIMore information about the PDF annotation Java APIMore information about the PDF image extraction Java API
What do other developers think of our PDF SDK?
JPedal Java PDF Reader Key Features
JPedal provides a 100% Java PDF Viewer which is easy to integrate and customise into your Java applications as a Swing Component. Features include:
Restrict user access to a PDF file
JPedal makes it very easy for Java Developers to remove any Viewer functionality, locking down access and preventing access to the PDF files.
- Disable printing
- Keep document in memory
- Prevent text copying
- Disable load and save
- Add custom operations
- Remove any menu option or button
Print PDF Files
JPedal can print PDF files directly from the PDF Viewer.
- Select any available printer
- Preview output in GUI window
- Specify the scaling, page margins and resolution
- Choose any page range including odd or even pages or any sequence.
- Print in grayscale
- Print in fast draft mode
- Choose paper source by PDF page size
Customise Viewer Appearance
JPedal makes it very easy for Java Developers to change the Look and Feel Used.
- Dark mode
- Change colours
- Different fonts
- Prevent/change pop-up messages
- Unique icons
- Internal Frame
- Menu text
Why JPedal?
Actively developed commercial library with full support and no third party dependencies.
Process PDF files up to 3x faster than alternative Java PDF libraries.
Simple licensing options and source code access for OEM users.